Unique Challenges of Hard Drive storage in the Corporate World
Whether you’re in the financial industry, healthcare, media or even government, digital storage can be a huge undertaking. Clearing space to make room for the new while preserving the old can be one of the greatest challenges you face. Compromised hard drive storage can lead to corrupt files, which can cost you endless amounts of time and money, not to mention the unique task of trying to keep them organized and accessible. All of those possible problems to consider give you a complicated set of needs that seem to have no universal solution.
So often, proper care is neglected because it seems like an impractical, complex process that may still have indefinite results. Even for those who are proactive about it, hard drive storage can still prove to be quite an ongoing issue. You can spend lots of time and money on doing it the wrong way and a system crash or security compromise of your files can send you into a whirlwind trying to recover files.
A Different Hard Drive Storage Solution
This particular issue is exactly why (and how) ProStorage anti static foam cases came to be. When professional photographer and filmmaker, Michael Grecco, needed a way to store client files, he began looking into a solution. He didn’t get paid extra for proper storage (he just felt that it was his responsibility), so he wanted to find a way to inexpensively and securely store high volumes of files. Thus, a solution was born. After he was satisfied with the design for personal use, Grecco patented it and offered his strategic answer to the data archiving issues of the mass market.
What Makes ProStorage Different
ProStorage cases are so much more than the usual underwhelming hard drive storage. Where most of those other cases are more of a shell with a thin, non-protective lining, ProStorage is a tactically-constructed and elaborate form of storage that goes far beyond minimal requirements, accomplishing what is really needed in hard drive storage.
Where most other cases on the market are for light personal use, ProStorage accommodates 18-24 hard drives. These storage cases are made up of anti static foam that secures the hard drive physically and protects it from security breaches and file corruption. It provides shock absorption and static resistance, which most other cases on the market offer very little protection from. ProStorage was designed with efficiency and affordability in mind; the modest investment you make for hard drive foam storage will keep you from spending more money when a system crash or corrupted files threaten your archives.
Our hard drive storage cases fit perfectly into a standard filing cabinet drawer, but are also great for storing on shelves or in file boxes. If you have a different place in mind, we also offer custom solutions. ProStorage will keep them safe, and if you label and arrange them by date, they will be organized and easily accessible. It turns your data dilemma into a storage system that you’ll be proud of and feel safe with.
Trust Us … And Them!
NASA, the US Navy, Apple, and Sony Pictures are among the clients who trust ProStorage with their important and confidential data archives. No matter the level of sensitivity of the data or the quantity of storage you are in need of, you can rely on our hard drive storage to take exceptional care of your files. Over the past ten years, our method has proven to be safe and efficient time and time again.
Don’t let negligence ruin your archives. Don’t let it steal the tools of your past that you may need again someday. For affordable pricing and minimal effort, you can get your data archives under control, and not have to deal with the nightmare that others do when their important and sensitive data is compromised. Your hard drives will be nestled into their safe storage, comfy and cozy, and you will have the freedom to focus on the projects at hand.